How does period pain feel like?

by | Menstrual problems

Let’s face it – the fact that women have periods every month sucks. Not only do we have to bleed for a week and our hormones give us violent mood swings, sometimes it’s also damn painful.

Some women live on medication during this already miserable week just to get out of bed without wanting to curl up in a ball and cry.
Seriously folks, this is serious business.
So with all this enforced misery, we deserve to tell the world to fuck off with these period pain quotes.

  1. “If period pain burned calories, maybe it would be worth it.”
  2. “Periods are ridiculous. I shouldn’t be punished for not being pregnant.”
  3. “No! Of course cramps don’t hurt! This is just my body laying a damn egg, and when it’s not being used, my body just breaks down the walls inside me. No big deal.”
  4. “Cramps? More like mini ninjas inside you that want to kill you.”
  5. “If women ruled the world, there would be no wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.” -Robin Williams
  6. “My period cramps feel like the wife of Satan herself is twisting a knife in my uterus.”
  7. “My unwanted monthly subscription to Satan’s Falls is here. Sometimes I hate being a girl.”
  8. “Why the period? Why can’t Mother Nature just text me and say, ‘What’s up, girl?’, ‘You’re not pregnant’, ‘Have a great week’, ‘See you next month’.”
  9. “Menstruation, menopause, psychological breakdowns: Have you noticed that all women’s problems start with men?”
  10. “You should develop an app that allows you to automatically transmit your period cramps to a politician who doesn’t support reproductive health.”
  11. “Me on my period: ‘Let me die in peace.'”
  12. “Dear uterus, I’m sorry I don’t plan on implanting a baby anytime soon, please stop throwing a tantrum.”
  13. “I love my period, no one has ever said that.”
  1. “Period? It feels like a fat man is sitting on my uterus.”
Franziska Rössler

Franziska Rössler

As Founder of Mestrualia, I bring a fresh and dynamic approach to every product. With a keen eye for femininity and a passion for innovation, I strive to create impactful products for our clients.